People who don’t need to get admitted to the hospital for various treatment also need insurance.

Outpatients in India are under-served by existing private insurance providers. Even when they are covered, patients do not utilize all the benefits available to them because of lack of awareness. All stakeholders want the freedom to choose solutions that they believe are in their best interest.

Svaas, a consumer-facing app, which gives patients access to an Outpatient Department (OPD) insurance platform that offers them unlimited and high-quality OPD healthcare services under one insurance plan. Our goal was to create an insurance service and platform with features that would help OPD patients and be beneficial to doctors, pharmacies and labs.

Team: Shaumil Poojara, Anuranjini Singh, Pooja Vasu

Charting the path from hassle to harmony

The first step in the process was to understand from each of the stakeholders, their expectations from an OPD insurance service. Our research team conducted in-depth studies across the country to discover the need-gaps and problems faced by OPD patients.

The team also spoke to healthcare providers (HCP) to identify the rights and benefits they expect from such a service, and what would make it easier for them to integrate their services into the platform. After 7 months of research, the team identified multiple pain points and opportunities.

Our researchers discovered a common demand from all the stakeholders: freedom of choice. Patients wanted the freedom to choose their preferred doctors, labs and pharmacies. Doctors wanted the freedom to prescribe the right treatment and medicine without being pressured by commercial interests.
Diagnostic labs and pharmacies wanted the freedom to operate the way they are used to working, while adhering to the high-quality services demanded by their Service Level Agreements.

Bringing together Diagnosis, treatment and medicines to deliver a seamless outpatient experience.

The design for Svaas had to be extremely agile. The OPD business model dictates a B2B2C framework, so Svaas was built to accommodate new business contracts on an ongoing basis. Backend customer support systems were also baked into the application to help patients, doctors, labs and pharmacies troubleshoot their concerns. Since it is also a consumer-facing app, variants were created to accommodate new customers and their specific user journeys.


Swirlz : Patient Awareness Campaign


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